September 15th, 2019 AIPPI Annual World Congress was held in Queen Elizabeth II Convention Centre (QEII), London. The meeting has held for 4 days, and it contains Specialized Committee Session, Executive Committee Session, Opening Ceremony, Plenary Session, Special Session, Women’s Forum, Culture Night, and Closing Ceremony. Sunshine IP International was proud to be invited as a member of AIPPI and a Chinese leading Intellectual Property service agency to attend. Mr. Gary CHENG, our International Business Manager, participated this event.
AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle) was found in 1897, and it is the world’s leading international organization dedicated to the development and improvement of legal regimes for the protection of intellectual property. It is domiciled in Switzerland, which currently has over 9000 Members representing more than 100 countries.
AIPPI China was found in 1982, which has about 400 Members. The objective of AIPPI is to improve and promote the protection of intellectual property on both international and national bases. It pursues this objective by working for the development, expansion and improvement of international and regional treaties and agreements and national laws relating to intellectual property. AIPPI is held annually, and it becomes one of the greatest IP congresses with numbers of attendances, countries, and fields.
Moreover, 2020 AIPPI World Congress will be held in Hangzhou, China. It will be the first time to be held in China in its hundreds of years’ history.